Fractional Excretion of Sodium (FENa) Calculator

Disclaimer: Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor for further evaluation. Serum sodium Serum creatinine : Urine sodium : Urine creatinine : Calculate FENa Fractional excretion of sodium (FENa) is the amount in percetange  of sodium which  is filtered…

Child-Pugh Score Calculator for Cirrhosis Mortality

Disclaimer: Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor for further evaluation. Bilirubin (Total) : <2 mg/dL (<34.2 µmol/L)2-3 mg/dL (34.2-51.3 µmol/L)>3 mg/dL (>51.3 µmol/L) Albumin : >3.5 g/dL (>35 g/L)2.8-3.5 g/dL (28-35 g/L)<2.8 g/dL (<28 g/L) INR : <1.71.7-2.3>2.3…

Centor Score Calculator for Strep Pharyngitis

Disclaimer: Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor for further evaluation. Age : 3-14 years15-44 years≥45 yearsExudate or swelling on tonsils : NoYesTender/swollen anterior cervical lymph nodes : NoYesTemp >38°C (100.4°F) : NoYesCough : PresentAbsent Calculate CI Group A…

Bishop Score Calculator for Vaginal Delivery and Induction of Labor

Disclaimer: Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor for further evaluation. Dilation : Closed1-2 cm3-4 cm≥5 cmEffacement : 0-30%40-50%60-70%≥80%Station : -3-2-1, 0+1, +2Position : PosteriorMid-positionAnteriorConsistency : FirmModerately firmSoft Calculate ANC The area of your body that lays at the…

ARISCAT Score Calculator for Postoperative Pulmonary Complications

Disclaimer: Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor for further evaluation. Age : ≤5051-80>80 Emergency procedure : NoYes Respiratory infection in the last month : NoYes Preoperative anemia (Hgb ≤10 g/dL) : NoYes Preoperative SpO₂ : ≥96%91-95%≤90% Duration of…

Anion gap Calculator

Disclaimer: Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor for further evaluation. Sodium Chloride Bicarbonate Albumin Calculate AG   Anion gap also known as serum anion gap, is an evaluation way to analyze the acidity of the blood. Blood acid…

ABCD² Score for TIA

Disclaimer: Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor for further evaluation. Age ≥ 60 years  YesNo BP ≥ 140/90 mmHg  YesNo Clinical features of the TIA  Unilateral weaknessSpeech disturbance without weaknessOther symptoms Duration of symptoms  <10 minutes10-59 minutes≥ 60 minutes History of diabetes  YesNo…

Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9 ) Calculator

Disclaimer: Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor for further evaluation. Little interest or pleasure in doing things? Not at all Several days More than half the days Nearly every day Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless? Not at all…

NIH Stroke Score Calculator (NIHSS Scale )

Disclaimer: Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor for further evaluation. 1A. Level of consciousness : Alert, keenly responsive Requires repeated stimulation to arouse+ Movements to pain Postures or unresponsive Arouses to minor stimulation 1B. Ask month and age…