Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) Score Calculator

Disclaimer: Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor for further evaluation. PaO2/FiO2*, mmHg ≥400 300-399 200-299 ≤199 and NOT mechanically ventilated 100-199 and mechanically ventilated <100 and mechanically ventilated On mechanical ventilation No Yes Platelets, x10³/µL ≥150 100-149 50-99 20-49…

Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) Calculator

Disclaimer:  Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor for further evaluation. After you calculate the MAP we have a section below that is “Classification after calculating MAP” and is about the clinical classification of the condition you might be Note: Please input…

CURB-65 Score Calculator (for Pneumonia Severity)

Disclaimer : Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor (for intermediate and high risk ). For further evaluation, your doctor will examine you physically, go over your medical history, and request diagnostic tests like a chest X-ray. This information…

Alvarado Score Calculator (for Acute Appendicitis)

Disclaimer : Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor because for further evaluation you might need to do Lab Testing, Imaging, CT-scan, Ultrasonography, MRI Note:‘Negative’ means ‘No’ and ‘Positive’ means ‘Yes. Alvarado Score Calculator Symptoms Migration of pain to…

Calcium Correction for Hypoalbuminemia Calculator

Disclaimer :Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor because for further evaluation. Calcium : Albumin : Normal albumin: : Calculate CI One of the most frequent diseases among hospitalized and severely sick patients is hypoalbuminemia. Hypoalbuminemia can be caused…

CHA2DS2-VASc Score Calculator

CHA2DS2-VASc Score (for Atrial Fibrillation Stroke Risk) Disclaimer: Diagnosis is usually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor for further evaluation. To find the risk you might be see the section “Scoring evaluation”. If you are in an intermediate or high-risk category…

Creatinine Clearance Calculator

Disclaimer: Diagnosis isusually made clinically. If the score from the calculator indicates that you might be at risk please consider visiting a doctor for further evaluation. To find the risk you might be see the section on “Evaluation after calculating”. Creatinine Clearance Calculator (Cockcroft-Gault equation) Sex : Male Female Age : Weight : Creatinine :…